Kitchen Appliances

91 results
RM 120.00 +
➤ The Uber Helpful Collection for Your Kitchen Journey Being in the kitchen to either cook or bake takes a lot effort, patience, passion and most importantly the right tools in order to produce mouth-watering results which are truly satisfying. ➤ The Sophisticated Kitchen Equipment The Russell Taylors Bread Maker BM-10 is a superbly cool bread maker designed innovatively to ease your efforts in the kitchen and result in beautifully baked breads for your culinary pleasures. Breadmaking can be quite a complicated and time-consuming process but Russell Taylors Bread Maker BM-10 is here to change your view on breadmaking. The Russell Taylors Bread Maker BM-10 is compact with a beautiful modern design and works with uncomplicated operation system. The Bread maker comes with 12 digital programmer menu as well as other functions to satisfy your bread cravings. ➤ The No-Hassle Kitchen Equipment The Russell Taylors Bread Maker BM-10 comes with 10 minutes electric power cutoff, memory function, 60 minutes warm-keeping, 15 hours programmable delay timer function, 6 buttons and 12 digital programmes, full auto process control bread making. The Russell Taylors Bread Maker BM-10 comes packed in power as it produces excellent results and will be your best bread maker buddy in the kitchen despite consuming low power. It is a plus that it is easy to clean, handle and store.
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